The Harvard Law School Bankruptcy Roundtable
The Harvard Law School Bankruptcy Roundtable brings together corporate bankruptcy practitioners with bankruptcy scholars in an online venue to discuss critical issues in corporate bankruptcy.
To see our existing posts, please click on the Roundtable Posts link above, or click here.
If you would like to submit possible content or a response to content that already appears on the Bankruptcy Roundtable for publication consideration, or for other queries or comments, please contact the Roundtable’s Editors via [email protected].
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Contact Individuals and Information:
Harvard Law School Bankruptcy Roundtable Key Individuals:
Director: Mark Roe, David Berg Professor of Law, Harvard Law School
Managing Editor: William Organek, Program Fellow, Bankruptcy Project, Harvard Law School
Our address is as follows:
Harvard Law School Bankruptcy Roundtable
1563 Massachusetts Ave,
Cambridge, MA 02138